ecoLove: Logo and branding

ecoLove: Logo and branding

Blah bout logos, branding and graphic design ecoLove cleaning products: Logo and branding Design of logo, branding styles and labelling ecoLove is a Sydney-based cleaning company, producing a range of non-toxic cleaning products. There are 3 products in the initial...
A Secret Australia: Book cover

A Secret Australia: Book cover

Blah bout book covers and graphic design A Secret Australia: Book cover and promotional images Design of book cover and social media images A Secret Australia: Revealed by the WikiLeaks Exposés is a book published by Monash University...
Logos: Independent media and campaigns

Logos: Independent media and campaigns

Blah bout logos and campaigns and media Logos: Independent media and campaigning groups Design of logo and creation of basic style guide Logo projects below were developed for independent media outlets, The Dissenter and Shadowproof, and Lucy Parsons Labs, an...