Print your own
Print your own posters/placards, banners, flyers, stickers and badges/buttons to support imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Share any of the images below and post memes.
You’ll also find some miscellaneous files including “Journalism is not a crime — Crime Scene tape” and images you can use in your own designs.
Click on images below for free print ready file downloads. All pdfs are full color with a 3mm or 0.125″ bleed.
Please request any other dimensions/specs @somersetbean especially considering different standard EU and US paper sizes. There’s a turnover of images posted here, so if there’s a design you’d like to use but it’s not here, you can request it.
Info and campaign links

Check out the global Free Julian Assange campaign, and the US Assange Defense Committee. Your rights are at risk.
Donate to the campaign to free Julian Assange.
Follow Stella Assange on Twitter/X.
Explore WikiLeaks publications.
Druckvorlagen für Poster, Banner, Abzeichen und Plakate für Aktionen zu Hause, für Fenster, Balkon, Garten, Auto … jetzt auch auf Deutsch. Hier herunterladen.
Julian Assange: The most awarded journalist of our time
This 16 page booklet showcases the extensive awards Julian Assange has won for his journalism.
Download full colour print pdf (A5 pages with 3mm bleed)
View and download web display pdf in spread view.

In the latest UK extradition hearing, Julian was granted permission to appeal the earlier decision to extradite him. The appeal, which will be held later this year, is due to the failure of the US government to provide assurances that Julian would be protected under the First Amendment of the US constitution if extradited.
This may be the final chance for Julian Assange to prevent his extradition to the United States where Assange faces a sentence of 175 years for exposing war crimes committed by the United States in the Afghan and Iraq wars.
Download and print flyers, posters, banners and placards, organise a billboard, request whatever designs/specs you need.
A5 flyer: front (3mm bleed)
A5 flyer: back (3mm bleed)
Banner: 1.2 x 2.4m (300dpi — request custom dimensions/specs)
A2 poster: 1 (will print ok larger or smaller)
A2 poster: 2 (will print ok larger or smaller)
A2 poster: 3 / Australia (will print ok larger or smaller)
A2 poster: 4 / Australia (will print ok larger or smaller)
A2 placard: 1 (will print ok larger or smaller)
A2 placard: 2 (will print ok larger or smaller)
A2 placard: 3 (will print ok larger or smaller)
A2 placard: 4 (will print ok larger or smaller)
A2 placard/poster: Let Him Go Joe #LetHimGoJoe
Posters / Placards

A0 poster/placard: Free Assange (UK Home Office) (use this file also for A1, A2, A3)
A2 poster/placard: Revealing war crimes is not a crime (use this file also for A1, A3)
A2 poster/placard: Publishing is not a crime *war crimes are (use this file also for A1, A3)
A2 poster/placard: Extradition for political charges not allowed (use this file also for A1, A3)
A2 poster/placard: Amnesty International quote (use this file also for A1, A3)
A2 poster: Free Assange (UK) light (use this file also for A1, A3)
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals. Includes UK Don’t Extradite Assange campaign QR code.
A2 poster: Free Assange (UK) dark (use this file also for A1, A3)
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals. Includes UK Don’t Extradite Assange campaign QR code.
A2 poster: Free Assange (US) light (use this file also for A1, A3)
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals. Includes US Assange Defense Committee QR code.
A2 poster: Free Assange (US) dark (use this file also for A1, A3)
When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals. Includes US Assange Defense Committee QR code.
A1 poster: Life in prison for publishing war crimes? (use this file also for A2, A3) English and German below
A1 poster: Imagine you learned about a crime and made it public (use this file also for A2, A3) English, German and French below
A2 poster: Australians Bring Assange Home (use this file also for A1, A3)
A3 poster: Julian Assange’s awards for journalism (use this file also for A2, A4)
A2 poster: Journalism is not a Crime #1 (print any size A5 to A0 or request specific dimensions)
A2 poster: Journalism is not a Crime #2 (print any size A5 to A0 or request specific dimensions)
A2 poster: Journalism is not a Crime #3 (print any size A5 to A0 or request specific dimensions)
This one is aimed at the US with the ‘Drop the charges’ message.
A2 poster: Journalism is not a Crime #4 (print any size A5 to A0 or request specific dimensions)
This one is aimed at the US with the ‘Drop the charges’ message.
A2 poster: End Trump’s Assault on Press Freedom (print any size A5 to A0 or request specific dimensions)
A1 poster: Journalism is not a Crime — War Crimes Are!
A3 poster: Journalism is not a Crime — War Crimes Are!
Make some “Crime Scene” tape printed to accompany these posters.

A2 poster: Free Assange International Federation of Journalists quote
A2 poster: Free Assange Amnesty International quote
A2 poster: Free Assange Reporters Without Borders quote
A2 poster: Free Assange MEAA / Australia’s Journalists Union quote

A2 poster: Free Assange — Free Manning — Free Speech
A2 poster: Free Assange — Free Speech
A2 poster: Free Assange — Free Press

A3/A2 poster: Hands off Assange
A3/A2 poster: Free Assange
A3/A2 poster(ES): Liberen a Assange
A4 poster: Hands off Assange
A4 poster: Free Assange

A1 poster: Don’t Extradite Assange (use this file also for A0, A2)
A3 poster: Don’t Extradite Assange
A4 poster: Don’t Extradite Assange
A2 poster: US — Drop the Charges
A2 poster: UK — Journalism is not a Crime
A2 poster: Australia — Bring Assange Home
A2 poster: War Crimes must not be Kept Secret
A2 poster: Human Rights Abuses must not be Kept Secret
A2 poster: Torture must not be Kept Secret
A2 poster(ES): Crímenes de guerra no deben ser secretos
A2 poster(ES): Abusos de derechos humanos no deben ser secretos
A2 poster(ES): La tortura no debe ser secreta
A1 poster: London Met Police abduction
Poster, banner and billboard for Australia
Our poster campaign morphed into a mobile billboard campaign which then grew into a ‘wrap John (Julian’s father) Shipton’s beautiful canvas that is his VW camper van’ campaign. Please donate if you can help with costs to keep the ‘JulesMobile 2.0’ on the road!

A0 poster: Australians Bring Assange Home (use this file also for A1, A2)
The poster is greyscale making it a lot cheaper to print.
A3 poster: Australians Bring Assange Home
A4 poster for home printing: Australians Bring Assange Home
Banner: Australians Bring Assange Home (this file is 841x1654mm – please request custom sizes)
A2 poster: State of Origin Queensland poster (this one is a request from Julian’s birthplace)
2 years imprisoned in Belmarsh: infographic poster
297 x 710mm = 2 x A3 sheets with some trimming. (For web use, just right click and save this image).
200 x 85cm banner
This one has been put together for the Committee to Defend Julian Assange in London, with the group’s contact details at the bottom. Please get in touch @somersetbean if you would like a file with your group’s info.

200x80cm banner: Free Assange — No U.S. Extradition (Please request custom sizes)
300x80cm banner: Free Assange — No U.S. Extradition (Please request custom sizes)
400x80cm banner: Free Assange — No U.S. Extradition (Please request custom sizes)
130x80cm banner: Hands off Assange (Please request custom sizes)
130x80cm banner: Free Assange (Please request custom sizes)
130x80cm banner(ES): Liberen a Assange
8’x2′ banner: Free Assange (Please request custom sizes)
24’x4′ banner: Free Assange — Journalism is not a crime (Please request custom sizes)
24’x4′ banner: Journalism is not a crime — Biden hypocricy banner (Please request custom sizes)

200 x 100cm banner: Journalism is not a Crime (Please request custom sizes)
130 x 80cm banner: Journalism is not a Crime (Please request custom sizes)
80x200cm banner: NUJ quote
80x200cm banner: FIJ quote
4mx1m banner: Australia says Free Assange!
3x3ft banner: Free Assange media quotes
12x3ft banner: Free Assange / Libre Assange (red)
12x3ft banner: Free Assange / Libre Assange (black)
2.5x6ft banner: Julian Assange Journalism Awards
2.5x6ft banner: Julian Assange Honorary, Memberships and Municipal Accolades
A5 flyer: Free Assange infographic: 5 Years in Belmarsh prison, 11 April 2024
[A5, 3mm bleed, feel free to request other dimensions/specs]
Simple A5 flyer front: Who is Julian Assange and why does the US government want to extradite him?
Simple A4 flyer: Interview with legendary Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg about what is at stake in the extradition case
Simple A4 flyer: Excerpts from Expert Witness Statements in Defence of Julian Assange
Simple A4 flyer: Summaries of Witness Statements in Defence of Julian Assange
Simple A4 flyer: More Summaries of Witness Statements in Defence of Julian Assange
A5 flyer front: Free Assange (UK government)
Add your own information to the back of the flyer or use the Don’t Extradite Assange (UK) campaign information below
A5 flyer back: Free Assange (UK)
Don’t Extradite Assange (UK) campaign links
A5 flyer: Hands off Assange
Add your own information to the back of the flyer.
A5 flyer: Free Assange
A5 flyer: Hands off Assange: 2up on A4
A5 flyer: Free Assange: 2up on A4
Also see badge/button files below which can also be used for circular stickers
50mm sticker (with 2mm bleed): Julian Assange (Please request custom sizes)
50mm sticker (with 3mm bleed): Free Julian Assange (Please request custom sizes)
50mm sticker (with 3mm bleed): Free Press – Free Assange (Please request custom sizes)
50mm sticker (with 3mm bleed): Australians Bring Assange Home (Please request custom sizes)
#FreeAssange – bumper sticker
3 x 11 inches, 0.125 inch bleed
I love the First Amendment – bumper sticker/bookmark
3 x 11.5 inches, 0.125 inch bleed
I love free speech and a free press – bumper sticker/bookmark
3 x 11.5 inches, 0.125 inch bleed
Free Julian Assange – bumper sticker/bookmark
3 x 11.5 inches, 0.125 inch bleed
Free Press – Free Assange – bumper sticker/bookmark
3 x 11.5 inches, 0.125 inch bleed
Don’t Extradite Assange – bumper sticker/bookmark
3 x 11.5 inches, 0.125 inch bleed
WarCrimeStoppers – UK bumper sticker/bookmark
3 x 11.5 inches, 0.125 inch bleed
These badge/button files can also be used for circular stickers
100mm with some breathing space around the edge, suitable for buttons/badges/stickers 100mm and smaller
You can also now purchase badges which have been produced and made available by supporters at cost price: shipping to the US here, and if you’re in the UK/Europe here.
25mm badge/button: Hands off Assange
25mm badge/button: Free Assange
38mm badge/button: Hands off Assange
38mm badge/button: Free Assange
Click on the images below to bring up full sized images to download and share.
Meme collections:
Australian quotes: Bring Assange Home
Latest infographics summing up the case:
Miscellaneous files
Julian Assange mask on A4 size (click on image for print pdf)
Julian Assange mask on US letter size (click on image for print pdf)
Journalism is not a Crime — Don’t Extradite Assange: “Crime scene” tape
Get a roll of “crime scene” tape printed — request a file with your specs if you need something other than the downloads here. Wrap it around embassies and courts, trees, poles, wherever!
Click on the image above of the first roll just printed in London for a pdf which includes the yellow background. Or here for a png with a transparent background for printing on yellow tape.
#FREEASSANGE – A3/A2 size letters
Click on the image above for a set of the letters (incl hashtag). Or download the set of A3 letters PLUS an A3 size Assange pic here
80x200cm banner poster: WikiLeaks, shining a light in dark corners
Free Assange: A2 high resolution png with transparent background: 4961x7016px (1/3) to use in your own designs
Click on the image to download the png
Free Assange: A2 high resolution png with transparent background: 4961x7016px (2/3) to use in your own designs
Click on the image to download the png
Free Assange: A2 high resolution png with transparent background (full shoulders image): 4961x7016px (3/3) to use in your own designs
Click on the image to download the png
Assange full length pic: high resolution png with transparent background to use for cardboard cutout
Click on the image to download the png
Assange wearing Truth tee, full length pic: high resolution png with transparent background to use for cardboard cutout
Click on the image to download the png
WikiLeaks logo
Overall image size is 90x150cm designed for a flag, logo itself is approx 34x81cm, can provide pdf for larger custom sizes on request or you can use this .eps vector file.
Please check the licensing requirements as a condition of use.
Photo credit: Dali Rău